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Prigozhin, Putin and what is really happening in Russia

When Russian warlord Evgeny Prigozhin started a ‘march on Moscow’ with his Wagner forces, the world – and Russia – was shocked. Was this a coup? A rebellion?
Now Prigozhin is supposedly in Belarus and the Kremlin is trying to retake control of the narrative – all while Ukraine's counter-offensive grinds on. But how should we understand the weekend’s drama? And what is really going on now?
Join our experts to find out how they’re making sense of the rebellion-that-wasn’t.

27 June 2023, 2.31pm

Hear from:
Elizaveta Fokht: BBC Russian Service reporter who has reported extensively on the Wagner Group
Hanna Liubakova:
Journalist and analyst from Belarus and non-resident fellow at the Atlantic Council
Jeremy Morris: Professor of Russian & Global Studies at Aarhus University, Denmark. He is the author of ‘Everyday Postsocialism: Working-class Communities in the Russian Margins’
Chair, Thomas Rowley: Lead editor of oDR, openDemocracy’s project on the post-Soviet space

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