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“We need publications like openDemocracy. The way it extends serious, broad-based discussion and analysis of what is happening across the world, and makes this accessible, is simply vital.”
Mary Robinson, chair of The Elders

“Thank you for what you are doing, as a feminist journalist who often finds journalistic spaces…dominated by patriarchal ideas and masculinity. It’s such a breath of fresh air to even hear about the idea of feminist investigative journalism.”
2018 journalism fellow

“Today it is not difficult to know what is happening but in order to know why it is happening you need openDemocracy.”
Ivan Krastev, political scientist, permanent fellow at the Institute for Human Sciences

“I really appreciate being given the opportunity to hold space for my voice :)”
First time (activist) writer

“openDemocracy remains one of the few places where moral and political commitment combine with reasoned analysis to offer us new ways of understanding what is happening in turbulent times.”
Mary Kaldor, professor of Global Governance at the London School of Economics

“[openDemocracy] has original ideas, and it airs them in original ways. It grabs people who have never before been interested in politics and makes them see the importance of getting involved.”
David Lammy, British MP

“Non-American readers - of which I am one - can only learn from this piece. Thanks to the author, and to OD for publishing it.”
Commenter on ‘Why I voted for Donald Trump’

“The effects [of publishing on openDemocracy] were quite significant: I was invited to meet government ministers, including a cabinet minister, as well as the Trades Union Congress.”
Carlota Perez, Technological University of Tallinn

“openDemocracy’s greatest strength is its intellectual courage, it is open to ideas, to debates, to the world. [Its] combination of daring, intellectual integrity and global reach makes writing for it so special.”
Ann Pettifor, economist, co-founder of Policy Research in Macroeconomics

“openDemocracy is one of the few online publications that has no hidden agendas other than delivering what the public deserve and that is: the uncompromising truth.”
Donor to our Crowdfunder campaign

“openDemocracy is a unique online resource, which allows people who know what they are talking about to examine in depth subjects about which it is worth talking. That is why it earns a privileged place on my bookmarks bar.”
Timothy Garton Ash, historian, professor of European Studies at Oxford University

“Thank openDemocracy for teaching me more about the world than I could have learned in any school. It’s where I go to discover the answers to questions I have after reading the news, and where a global perspective is a given.”
Solana Larsen, editor, Internet Health Report

“Let’s support openDemocracy to the hilt. Intelligent, unbought, unspun opinion, uncomfortable but necessary truths and a lot of good horsey argument: heaven knows they are in short enough supply!”
John le Carré, novelist

“openDemocracy changes my mind. I like that in a website!”
Suzanne Moore, journalist

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