Aubrey Lloyd

Aubrey Lloyd (MSW) is a senior project manager overseeing work specific to human trafficking. She has 21 years of non-profit experience working with populations affected by trauma. For the past 14 years, she has designed and implemented programs for multidisciplinary teams and nongovernmental and community-based organisations using her subject matter expertise in human trafficking. She has worked to increase access to trauma-responsive victim assistance programming, and connections between other vulnerability sectors such as addiction, liveable wages, interpersonal violence, housing insecurities, early childhood adverse conditions and the impact of developmental and historical trauma. She is a wife and a momma to two of the best and wildest boys. Since working from home, she has become an owner of too many pairs of sweatpants. She remains engaged in the anti-trafficking sector not because of her own exploitation, but because she is an ally of justice and a promotor that healing is possible and should be prioritised for anyone who has experienced harm.

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